


I am now... a denizen of Cerberus.

Just saying that tastes a bit weird.

In the grand scheme of things, its not by any means bad, and its not that I'm complaining, it's just a bit of a culture shock, I suppose. But the again, I have the tendency to be amazingly able to adapt to changes, big or small. I've been like that ever since I was younger and realized that I wasn't actually ever going to be six-foot-seven, and therefore, my dreams of being a Small Forward wouldn't work that well. So, I shrugged it off, got better at other things, and shifted my goals.

Other people aren't taking the change nearly as well, unfortunately.

Quite a few of my friends have had name changes pushed onto them. My stupid sympathy cropped up and I went into the merge hoping that someone would have my name, so I would have to change it too. Alas, I didn't have to do such a thing, and I am still... me. Well, on a plus note, its always great to still have one's name in auto-translate.

What else...



So... I have a 75 mage job now.

Anyone who knows me is "WTF"ing to themselves right now. Everyone else, let me fill you in.

I might possibly be the least mage-inclined person most people will ever meet. I have been deemed too easily bored to play BLM. My inventory space is far too low for me to play RDM, given my tendency to get somewhat... obsessive with gear for most situations. And I have, repeatedly, been told I am far too spiteful to be a WHM. When I started this game, I started it wanting to be a DRK, and years later, I was sitting around quite happy with my contingent of a pretty damned good 75 DRK and SAM, a functional NIN and a retired WAR. And then, I got bored.

So what did I do, knowing that I have basically been told by people that I would make a terrible BLM, WHM and RDM?

I leveled SCH.

And god-fucking-dammit, I am good at it. :D

I go out, I use JAs, I blow shit up. If someone else is nearby while I blow shit up, I might toss them an AoE buff. If you want to nuke more effectively, I'll give you a Storm spell. If you want to take less damage, I'll hit you with Stoneskin or Phalanx. If you're meleeing, I'll toss you an En- spell for extra damage done. Occasionally, I even throw out a Helix. And if you get hurt and are in need of assistance,

Fuck you.

I don't cure.

So... that's me! Hello everyone, and um... More from me whenever I can between my more... professional writing.


1 comment:

  1. Ahahahaha Calz...
    Having a Blog isnt like you :o
    But not too shabby post for a first ^^
