

This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you, in part, by Calz.

I will not sub Ninja on Dark Knight to a merit party at birds.
I will not sub Ninja on Samurai to a merit party at birds.
I will not sub Ninja on Warrior to a merit party on birds.
They are birds.
They will not one-shot me.
Pecking Flurry is a 4-Hit TP move. Even if I have fresh shadows, it will still hit me.
The best form of damage mitigation in this game in any situation without heavy AoEs or moves that can one-shot you no matter what, is not /ninja. It is not shadows. It is killing the goddamned thing before it can cause too much damage to anyone.
Do you know how /ninja improves the damage done by any job not Dual Wielding?
It doesn't.
It is a dead sub any time you are not getting hit in the face.
If your healer is so lazy that they can't cure people who occasionally get injured, guess what?
I don't want to be in your party.
I will go /sam and ride Seigan til the fucking wheels come off. Its how I tend to play as it is. But I will not sub Ninja to your goddamned bird party.

Thank you,

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